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Exam Requirements: Pediatric Ultrasound (Revised 8-23-2024)

Revision History

Two exams must be submitted. 

  • If two or more exam types listed below are performed, then two different exam types must be submitted

  • If only one exam type is performed, then two exams of that same exam type must be submitted. 

Please see the article on Modalities with Low Volume or Emergency Use as needed. 

Complete documentation/survey means a series of several images throughout the entire organ in two planes. For example, from one side of the organ to the other in the longitudinal plane and from superior to inferior in the transverse plane. 

Anatomy should be intentionally imaged in an organized fashion and correctly labeled for clarity.

Exam Requirements: Pediatric Ultrasound Accreditation

Neonatal/Infant Neurosonology

Coronal gray scale images to include:

  • Frontal lobes anterior to the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles

  • Frontal horns or bodies of lateral ventricles and interhemispheric fissure

  • Lateral ventricles at level of lateral and third ventricles

  • Lateral ventricles slightly posterior to the foramina of Monro, where the lateral and third ventricles communicate

  • Level of quadrigeminal plate, quadrigeminal cistern and cerebellum

  • Echogenic glomi of choroid plexuses at posterior aspect of the lateral ventricles at level of trigones

  • Posterior to occipital horns

Sagittal gray scale images to include:

  • Midline sagittal images to include corpus callosum, cavum septi pellucidi, and cavum vergae if present

  • Right and left parasagittal images of lateral ventricles including caudothalamic groove

  • Right and left parasagittal images of lateral ventricles documenting choroid plexus

  • Right and left parasagittal images of the insula

  • Right and left parasagittal images of the Sylvian fissure and temporal lobe

Pyloric Stenosis

  • Complete documentation in longitudinal

    • Gray scale images of the antrum and duodenal bulb in longitudinal


  • Cine clip of the antrum and duodenal bulb in longitudinal

  • At least one static gray scale image of the antrum and duodenal bulb in longitudinal without measurement

  • Complete documentation in transverse
    • Gray scale images of the pylorus in transverse  

    • Cine clip of the pylorus in transverse

    • At least one static gray scale image of the pylorus in transverse without measurement

  • Measurement of muscle thickness in both longitudinal and transverse planes

  • Measurements of the length of the pyloric canal

Neonatal/Infant Hip

Exams should be correctly labeled to include organ/anatomy of interest, transducer orientation plane, side, and stress maneuvers

  • Flexed coronal imaging outlining anatomic structures, including evaluation of femoral head coverage. The imaging should outline the ilium, transverse Y cartilage, ischium, labrum, and gluteal muscles, as well as the femoral head

  • Flexed transverse images with and without stress. The images should show the ossified femoral shaft, the femoral head and underlying ischium. 

    • Without stress: at least one flexed transverse gray scale image of each hip

    • With stress: at least one static flexed transverse gray scale image with stress OR cine clip demonstrating flexed transverse with stress maneuver. 

Note: Abduction/adduction maneuvers do not satisfy the stress requirement

Neonatal/Infant Spine

  • Longitudinal and transverse images of spinal cord and vertebral bodies with appropriate image labeling 

  • Level of termination of the conus with identification of vertebral body level

  • Cord position within the spinal canal

  • Termination of the thecal sac and nerve roots of the cauda equina

  • Evaluation of the subarachnoid space, dura, and epidural space

  • Integrity of the cord, filum of the cord and its thickness should be noted

Revision History for this Article



Description of Revision(s)



Article created; FAQs incorporated; No criteria changes


Pyloric Stenosis

Edited required measurements


Added complete documentation description


Pediatric Hip

Added bullet recommending measurements be included on the submitted image set


Updated exam requirements


Removed Intussusception. Added Neonatal/Infant Spine


Neonatal/Infant Spine

Corrected 6th bullet from epicardial to epidural


Added link to the Modalities with Low Volume or Emergency Use article

Neonatal/Infant Spine

Removed 2nd bullet (longitudinal and transverse images of the cord at the area of interest)

Previous: Exam Requirements: Vascular UltrasoundNext: Passing Results

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