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Exam Requirements: Vascular Ultrasound (Revised 8-23-2024)

Revision History

The Vascular module includes the following submodules:

  • Peripheral Arterial

  • Peripheral Venous

  • Cerebrovascular

  • Liver Vasculature

  • Renal Vasculature

  • Aorta

Sites must apply for all submodules performed. If only one submodule is performed, two examinations are required for that submodule. If two or more submodules are performed, one examination from each submodule performed is required.

Please see the article on Modalities with Low Volume or Emergency Use as needed. 

Complete documentation/survey means a series of several images throughout the entire organ in two planes. For example, from one side of the organ to the other in the longitudinal plane and from superior to inferior in the transverse plane. 

Anatomy should be intentionally imaged in an organized fashion and correctly labeled for clarity.

Exam Requirements: Peripheral Arterial

Lower Extremities - Arterial Duplex

*A bilateral exam should be submitted

Longitudinal gray scale images 

  • Common femoral artery

  • Proximal profunda femoris artery

  • Superficial femoral artery - proximal, mid, and distal

  • Popliteal artery - proximal and distal

  • Anterior tibial artery

  • Posterior tibial artery - distal 

  • Dorsalis pedis artery

Longitudinal stand-alone color Doppler images

  • Common femoral artery

  • Proximal profunda femoris artery

  • Superficial femoral artery - proximal, mid, and distal

  • Popliteal artery - proximal and distal

  • Anterior tibial artery

  • Posterior tibial artery - distal

  • Dorsalis pedis artery

Longitudinal spectral Doppler waveform with color Doppler evaluation

  • Common femoral artery

  • Proximal profunda femoris artery

  • Superficial femoral artery - proximal, mid, and distal

  • Popliteal artery - proximal and distal

  • Anterior tibial artery

  • Posterior tibial artery - distal

  • Dorsalis pedis artery

Exam Requirements: Peripheral Venous

Lower Extremities - Venous

Lower Extremities - Venous Insufficiency

A bilateral exam should be submitted

Static transverse gray scale images without and with compression OR transverse gray scale cine clips without and with compression

  • Common femoral vein - superior to and separate from the saphenofemoral junction

  • Saphenofemoral junction

  • Proximal profunda femoris vein

  • Femoral vein – proximal, mid, and distal

  • Popliteal vein

Longitudinal color and/or spectral Doppler waveform images

  • Saphenofemoral junction

  • Proximal profunda femoris vein

  • Femoral vein – proximal, mid, and distal

Spectral Doppler waveform demonstrating spontaneous flow and respiratory phasicity

  • Common femoral vein or external iliac vein

  • Popliteal vein

Static transverse gray scale images without and with compression OR transverse gray scale cine clips without and with compression. 

  • Common femoral vein - superior to and separate from the saphenofemoral junction

  • Saphenofemoral junction

  • Proximal profunda femoris vein

  • Femoral vein - proximal, mid, and distal

  • Popliteal vein

Documentation of direction of flow with longitudinal color and spectral Doppler waveform following augmentation maneuvers or Valsalva (in the upper thigh) with the patient in the semi-upright or upright position. Length of time of reflux must be measured in at least one location within the superficial system.

  • Common femoral vein

  • Saphenofemoral junction

  • Proximal profunda femoris vein

  • Femoral vein - proximal, mid, and distal

  • Popliteal vein

  • Great saphenous vein including saphenofemoral junction and throughout thigh at a minimum (proximal, mid and distal)

  • Inferior to knee

    • Great saphenous vein - below the knee

    • Small saphenous vein

Exam Requirements: Cerebrovascular

Extracranial Carotid

Transverse gray scale images

  • Common carotid artery – proximal and distal

  • Bifurcation

Longitudinal gray scale images

  • Common carotid artery – proximal and distal

  • Internal carotid artery – proximal

  • External carotid artery – proximal

Longitudinal stand-alone color Doppler images

  • Common carotid artery – proximal and distal

  • Internal carotid artery – proximal

  • External carotid artery – proximal

Longitudinal spectral Doppler waveform with color Doppler evaluation

  • Common carotid artery – proximal and distal

  • Internal carotid artery – proximal, mid, and distal 

  • External carotid artery – proximal

  • Vertebral artery

Exam Requirements: Liver Vasculature

Complete gray scale documentation in longitudinal

  • At least three gray scale images of the left lobe to include lateral, mid, medial

  • At least three gray scale images of the right lobe to include lateral, mid, medial  

Complete gray scale documentation in transverse

  • At least three gray scale images of the left lobe to include superior, mid, inferior

  • At least three gray scale images of the right lobe to include superior, mid, inferior

Gray scale images of vascular anatomy including vessel labeling

  • Portal veins – main, right, and left

  • Hepatic veins – right, middle, and left

  • Inferior vena cava

  • Splenic vein – posterior to pancreas

Longitudinal stand-alone color or power Doppler images

  • Portal veins - main, right, and left

  • Hepatic veins – right, middle, and left

  • Hepatic artery

  • Inferior vena cava

  • Splenic vein - posterior to pancreas

Spectral Doppler waveform with color Doppler evaluation

  • Portal veins – main (angle correction required), right, and left

  • Hepatic veins - right, middle, and left

  • Hepatic artery (angle correction required)

  • Inferior vena cava

  • Splenic vein – posterior to pancreas

Exam Requirements: Renal Vasculature

Renal Artery Stenosis

*Both kidneys MUST be present

Complete gray scale documentation of kidneys in longitudinal 

  • At least three gray scale images to include lateral, mid without measurement, medial

Complete gray scale documentation of kidneys in transverse 

  • At least three gray scale images to include upper pole, mid without measurement, lower pole

Renal length

Spectral Doppler waveform with color Doppler evaluation 

  • Aorta (angle correction required) - at or just above the origin of the renal arteries

  • Main renal artery (angle correction required) - proximal, mid, and distal

  • Main renal vein

  • Upper and lower pole segmental or interlobar arteries documenting RI or AI/AT

Exam Requirements: Aorta

Longitudinal gray scale images without and with AP measurements

  • Aorta – proximal, mid, and distal

  • Right common iliac artery

  • Left common iliac artery

Transverse gray scale images without and with transverse measurements

  • Aorta – proximal, mid, and distal

  • Proximal common iliac arteries

Longitudinal color and/or spectral Doppler waveform of the distal aorta

Revision History for this Article
DateSectionDescription of Revision(s)
12-12-19AllArticle created; FAQs incorporated; No criteria changes
3-13-2020Diagnostic CriteriaThe submission of diagnostic criteria has been removed and is no longer required.
Added complete documentation description
8-4-2020Exam Requirements: Abdominal UltrasoundAdditional documentation clarification for liver vasculature, liver transplantation, TIPS, renal artery stenosis, renal vein thrombosis and renal transplant (renal artery thrombosis) exams.
Removed and/or after abdominal (Liver or Renal) for clarification purposes
10-30-2020Liver VasculatureChanged main portal vein to portal veins- main, right and left
2-16-21Aortalongitudinal gray scale images without and with AP measurements and transverse gray scale images without and with transverse measurements
4-20-21Renal Transplant (Renal Artery Thrombosis)Changed kidneys to transplanted kidney
Updated exam requirements
5-10-2022Thrombosis- Upper ExtremitiesAligned all bullets under transverse gray scale without and with compression
11-9-2022AllUpdated exam requirements
3-10-2023Renal Vasculature Clarified spectral Doppler waveform

Liver VasculatureClarified Doppler images

AortaAdded longitudinal for color and/or spectral Doppler


Peripheral Venous

Clarified lower extremities-venous insufficiency needs documentation of direction of flow with longitudinal color and spectral Doppler waveform


Added link to the Modalities with Low Volume or Emergency Use article

Lower Extremity-Venous Insufficiency

Added proximal, mid and distal description for the great saphenous vein

Previous: Exam Requirements: General UltrasoundNext: Exam Requirements: Pediatric Ultrasound

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